Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Hi! I read a lot of books. It's my favorite thing to do. I like all genres.

People are constantly asking me what I think about the books I read, and I would like to share that with everyone!

I get books from many places. Lately I have been more into borrowing from the library. It is free and if you don't like the book, then there is no stress! The second place I like to get my books from is PBS - It is a great place to post books that you have on your shelf that you would like to trade. The only cost to you is shipping the book to the person who requests it. In return, you get a credit in which you can request a book from another member - and they pay the shipping to send it to you. It all evens out! No one seems to want any of the books left on my shelf, so I just buy credits on there. It's still tons cheaper than buying a book in a store, and you're helping someone else out by doing it that way. The last way that I do it is by shopping online for used books. Very rarely do I buy a book at full price. A paperback is $7.99 now! What is that?! Sorry, not happening!

What are your favorite books?

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